Sunday, July 12, 2009

Church Today!

We spent the morning at the Namyoya Community Church built by GFR and it truly felt as though God was there! I was so excited to look out the window of the bus to see Aida and Florence there waiting in front of the church along with so many others from the community. Silvia-I saw your mammi too!

Everyone was dressed in their Sunday best and Pastor David gave an excellent sermon. Deb, Gene, and I gave our testimony. I basically told them how Ken and I found ourselves unemployed and we continued our sponsorship of our family because we put our trust into God's hands that he would provide for us...and he has. They also asked us to sing to them...which was interesting. We had practiced a song on the bus which frankly...bombed...we tried but failed to pull it together...non-rhythmic mzungus (white folk). Ultimately, they asked us to sing "Amazing Grace" which we managed to pull off acapella version which didn't sound to bad...then we finished an amazing version of "Jesus loves me" to close the show!

I am so impressed with the GFR folks here in Africa. They are really working to make a lasting difference in this community. Pastor David has built pig pens to begin a community "pig project" to generate income. When a pig gives birth, the piggies are handed out to community members to reproduce.

Angi the baby whisperer...she fell asleep on my lap during service.(yes, I do hold babies while in a foreign country)

Can I say the Idah is somethin...she is so well-respected in Uganda. When Idah talks, everyone listens. We finished our day by attending the African/Korean Christian conference closing banquet.

We will be leaving for Fort Portal and Kamwenge tomorrow...I won't have access to the internet until Thursday. I'm sure I'll have lots to share...we'll be going to Tooro High School and working at a clinic...stay tuned...

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