Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We're Here!!!

Amazingly we landed in Entebbe, Uganda in less than 24hrs. We arrived around 9pm last night. I probably slept 4 hrs. so I didn't feel too terribly bad. Bosco, Jerome and Idah (Director of GFR in Africa)were there to greet us. We are staying at Herb and Ellen Cook's home...its very nice accomodations and they are a very nice, friendly couple. I feel very safe and comfortable with them. We probably went to bed by midnight and we had to get up early to attend an African-Korean Women and Pastors Conference called "Rise-up, Africa". Idah was the organizer of the event and there were approx. 2000 people in attendance...of course there were many Korean folks there and representatives from Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, and Tanzania. The worship portion of the event was very inspirational and I felt honored to be there. By 2pm my jet lag set-in so I had to take a nap. I have a realy cool pic of some dancers from Congo...this is going to be an awesome trip. I'm so happy to be here.


ckrantz said...

glad to hear you are there safe and sound and already having inspiring experiences. I'm here for you in prayer and otherwise.

Tracee said...

Hey there! Glad you arrived safely and are loving every minute of it already. Cece says "I love you and miss you." :-) Be safe and luv u too. -Trac