Friday, July 27, 2007

What Does It All Mean???

On the flight home, I plan on reflecting back on the trip. What does it all mean? Did we complete our mission? What is the next step?I have a million questions...questions that only God will have to answer over time.  As I said, I will write more once I'm back home and when I have had some time to digest everything that has happened in the last 12 days. I do know that I've met some awesome people...those on my team and the people of Uganda...and I'm going to miss them all very much...

Please continue to read our blogs, GFR and other's on the team if you wish.  See you in the states in about 36 hrs:)

1 comment:

Ben Pahlow said...

Angi, you are going home and I want you to know how much I have LOVED having you here. You have such a precious and compassionate heart. Thank you for all you did here. You made a difference here and the children of Kamwenge will NEVER forget you. I love you Angi!
